- Hour requirement: 50 Hours Min
- Clean uniform with Kiyobukan patch and dojo patch
- All Kihon Dachi (basic stances) by command
- Demonstrate full and snapping hip action
- Demonstrate proper execution of seiken zuki (punch)
- All Te waza (had techniques) by command and alone across the mat and backwards:
a. Stepping Yoko Zuki – Stepping side punch
b. Spinning Tettsui – Spinning bottom fist - Kunren No Keiko – Training Drills:
- Empi Waza
- Empi waza no Bunkai
- Shuto waza
- All uke waza by command and alone across the mat in combination and backwards in a kokutsu dachi with gyaku zuki –full hip action
- All kihon geri across the mat in combination
- Tobi geri mae geri (jumping front kick)
- Back spin ushiro geri (back spinning back kick)
- Kihon Kumite – Review Ippon Kumite 1 – 3
- Ippon kumite dai ichi
- Ippon kumite dai ni
- Ippon kumite dai san
- Te & Ashi no waza – hand and feet combinations (2nd strike in kokutsu dachi – gyaku zuki – full hip action)
- Mae geri-miagki zuki-gyaku zuki (front kick - jab - reverse punch)
- Mawashi geri-shuto-gyaku zuki (round kick - chop - reverse punch)
- Yoko geri-Uraken-gyaku zuki (side kick - backfist - reverse punch)
- Ushiro geri-tettsui-gyaku zuki (back kick - bottom fist - reverse punch)
- Kata:
- Kihon Ippon, Nihon, Sanbon
- Kihon kata no bunkai (application)
- Fukyu kata dai ichi, dai ni, dai san
- Taikyoku Ichidan, Nidan
- Quality of kata
- Karate Kotoba – Karate Vocabulary List
- Antei - Balance
- Budo – Martial way
- Bujutsu –martial fighting art
- Bushi - warrior
- Kuzushi - leverage
- Ma - distance
- Maai – individual distance
- Mokuso – quiet meditation
- Naisan – woman or girl
- Neisan – man or boy
- Kobudo – Ancient weapon way
- Kobojutsu – Ancient art of weaponry
- Ryu – System, Style, Way
- Defense against grabbing techniques (2)
- Ashi barai (foot sweeps)
- Deashi barai
- Osotogari
- Kiai (shouting spirit)
- Kimochi (attitude)
- Bowing Out Procedure:
- Highest Rank commands:
- Mokuso - Quiet Meditation (students and instructor(s) sit in seiza - feet folded under their hips, with eyes closed)
- Mokuso Owari -Meditation over (eyes open)
- Shomen Ni Rei - All students bow to the front (left hand down first, then right then bow towards the floor. Return in reverse order)
- Sensei - Request for instructor to turn around
- Sensei Ni Rei - Bow to the instructor
- Everyone repeats:
- Domo Arigato Gozaimasu -Thank you very much (bow and wait for instructor to respond)
- Instructor responds:
- Doitashimashita - You are welcome (instructor bows to the students)
- O-teiga Ni Rei - Bow to each other for mutual respect and understanding (teacher and students bow to each other)
- Highest Rank commands: