Traditional Shorin Ryu (Sho-Rin-Re-U) Karate is considered the to be one of the oldest styles of Karate, and serves as the foundation for most modern karate practiced in the world today. At NRK Karate, we teach this traditional style of karate directly from birthplace in Okinawa, Japan.
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NRK Karate teaches traditional Ryukyu Kobudo (ancient Okinawan Weaponry) as a part of our standard training program. Students learn mastery of the traditional Okinawan weapons which were initially improvised from farming and fishing implements.
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Literally this is benevolence. Karate we must always start with the heart of the person. “If the heart is good the karate can be good and thus the person can be good.”
This virtue, is at the core of what I consider as Kiyo-Bu. A warrior has to have the ability to go in where others would draw back.
To lower ones head to another person is to show consideration and reverence for that person as an individual. It is tantamount helping a stranger carry a heavy load.
In the dojo, we must counter social complacency. Simple things like forcing students to say “yes sir” and “yes ma'am” instead of nodding their heads is a start.
Power, strength, authority, perseverance, endurance… A person that can quietly respect their value and potential is a person that others will rise to follow.
To be committed to the idea, that no matter what, doing the right thing should always be the guiding light for ones actions. This is the loyalty of karate.
True heartedness is truth that emanates from a person’s very well being. This virtue speaks to integrity and trustworthiness in the utmost.
To have rule over oneself is to recognize ones strengths and weaknesses and to first accept the impact that they have on your life.
This virtue should be cultivated in every student that endeavors to reach the goal of black belt. In fact the test itself, should be formulated to hone this virtue.
This the pinnacle of martial virtues in that it aligns the value of all of the previous attributes to deliver the virtue can allow one to endure through any challenge.
The name NRK Karate stands for NINTAI RYOKU-KAN (pronounced nin-tie ree-o-ku-khan) translates to "the house of the perseverance."
Karate-Do translates as "the way of the empty hand"
The black ring represents the black belt which should be the first goal of all new karate students. It's circular form represents the fact black belt is just the beginning and that the black belt's true quest, for perfection in all of life, has no ending.
-jo – the way of compassion, humility and love
-katsu – the law of complete understanding of all forms and aspect of your karate
-fo – dedication to the seriousness of training not only in practice but also in actual combat
Collectively these principles represent the karate practitioners duty to himself and his fellow man.